

We treated Drug Addict by above procedures.Drug addiction is a rising menace which surfaced in the olden times. Ever since drug addiction started to rise, especially after the "hippie revolution", the deterioration of physical as well as mental health saw no boundaries. This led to drug addiction being considered as an international health crisis. While drug addictions can be grouped into various categories, the main abuses which drug addicts are habitual of administering include smoke related drugs, alcohols and banned substances which can either be chewed or directly injected into the bloodstream of the individual.Let us now discuss 4 ways to cure these patients.

Drug addiction help can be provided through the means of friends and family members. In case you happen to have a drug addiction case in your family, it is your responsibility to get the patient back on track. Addiction to drugs is a bad habit which needs to be dropped through an able councilor. While there are various councilors available in the market, most of them are very expensive and obviously, they do not have a lot of time to spare on a single case. This is when the role of a family comes into picture. If you wish to cure a patient of his addiction to drugs, you need to be able to make sure that you convince the patient's friends and family to take an active interest in the process.

Drug abuse addictions are a very serious problem and if you wish to permanently cure a patient, you need to pay adequate attention towards the choice of the de-addiction therapy. While there are many traditional therapies which do not work well as they are temporary in nature, there are others which are considered permanent. They are natural therapies which work on the mindset of the patient. Once the patient's mindset is changed, he/she can take control of his life without any external assistance. If you wish to end drug abuse addictions permanently, you need to adopt a natural therapy.

Drug addiction treatment is a methodical procedure which needs to be followed step by step. Whenever you happen to try and aid a drug addict, you need to ensure that you do not do so with haste. This is so as drug addiction treatment calls for slow steps towards success and it is therefore a steady procedure. For example, if a person is a known drug addict and he is used to smoking fifteen cigarettes a day, you need to ensure that he reduces the number to three cigarettes by the end of the month. Once again, the process needs to be slow and restructured at the end of each week. In case you ask the patient to quit smoking drugs from the first day itself, his/her body would not be able to bear the strain and this in turn would lead to serious complications.

It is a therapy of the highest level of potency & accomplishment, perhaps even an instrument of transcendence. Therapy is, least of all a selfish one-off act. Yoga therapy calls upon the physician to heal himself first before unleashing himself upon the world. Yoga practice must either change the system or offer a challenge.Treating sickness through Yoga, sometimes with different ways like, change of diet, certain (asans), Pranayam & all the time prayer, serves more as transformation than information.

Listed below are some physical exercises, Asanas – body – postures & their benefits.

It is a relaxation exercise. It reduces restlessness, balances nervous system overactivity & brings progressive muscle relaxation.

Arshmatsyendrasana & matsyendrasana
These asanas help alleviate indigestion & loss of appetite.

This asana is very beneficial in increasing considerably the strength of the brain & nerves.It is a rejuvenation exercise.

It sends a rich flow of refreshing blood to the brain, relaxing the mind & body & improving concentration, body metabolism & brain functioning.

Derived from prana(the life breath) & ayama(pause), constitutes the yoga science of breath control.The reciprocal relationship between emotions & breathing is well– established.

Helps concentration by increasing amino–acid levels in the brain, after prolonged regular use, results in reduction of blood pressure, as well as in emotional stability.

It helps to relieve the tension of mind.

When practiced regularly, this exercise results in an increase in the oxygen/carbon dioxide ratio & a decrease in the presence of nor–adrenaline metabolites in the urine.

Kriyas (purification exercises) for eg: (neti & dhauti)
Help solve symptomatic conditions(watering of eyes & nose,insomnia) that ex–addicts have to live with for quite some time & help to restore the normal sleep cycle.

Involves drinking & then vomiting salted lukewarm water.This helps in removing excessive gastric acid

Listed below are some physical exercises


It is a relaxation exercise. It reduces restlessness, balances nervous system overactivity & brings progressive muscle relaxation.

Arshmatsyendrasana & matsyendrasana

These asanas help alleviate indigestion & loss of appetite.


This asana is very beneficial in increasing considerably the strength of the brain & nerves.It is a rejuvenation exercise.


It sends a rich flow of refreshing blood to the brain, relaxing the mind & body & improving concentration, body metabolism & brain functioning.


Derived from prana(the life breath) & ayama(pause), constitutes the yoga science of breath control.The reciprocal relationship between emotions & breathing is well– established.


Helps concentration by increasing amino–acid levels in the brain, after prolonged regular use, results in reduction of blood pressure, as well as in emotional stability.


It helps to relieve the tension of mind.


When practiced regularly, this exercise results in an increase in the oxygen/carbon dioxide ratio & a decrease in the presence of nor–adrenaline metabolites in the urine.

Kriyas (purification exercises) for eg: (neti & dhauti)

Help solve symptomatic conditions(watering of eyes & nose,insomnia) that ex–addicts have to live with for quite some time & help to restore the normal sleep cycle.


Involves drinking & then vomiting salted lukewarm water.This helps in removing excessive gastric acid