We treated Drug Addict by above procedures.Drug addiction is a rising menace which surfaced in the olden times. Ever since drug addiction started to rise, especially after the "hippie revolution", the deterioration of physical as well as mental health saw no boundaries. This led to drug addiction being considered as an international health crisis. While drug addictions can be grouped into various categories, the main abuses which drug addicts are habitual of administering include smoke related drugs, alcohols and banned substances which can either be chewed or directly injected into the bloodstream of the individual.Let us now discuss 4 ways to cure these patients.

Group Counselling
It has been seen that group sessions can be an effective tool in tackling a myriad of problems as it provides an opportunity or platform for patients to share their experiences as well as moral support from others.
Benefit of Group counselling:
1. It helps indentifying individuals with maladaptive behaviour
In the case of group counselling, individual tries to identify their own behaviours and
differences better because of the diversity in the group. As there is room for comparison,
you may discover that you are not perhaps as adaptive as you would like; the group therapy
provide an opportunity to assess one’s own behaviour and attitude more clearly.
2. It helps in building a conducive environment of trust.
Group counselling is not only an opportunity to receive feedback and advice, it is also an
opportunity to reach out and support others. What is discussed within counselling sessions is
done so in confidence. Speaking to people who are going through similar situations also
helps other participants to feel less alienated and this engenders confidence in them.
3. It helps in assessing emotional difficulties by a way of feedback.
Discussing emotional difficulties with counsellor and other members of the group
counselling session will provide an extensive feedback. This feedback could be advice from
the counsellor or even practical tips from others in the group who have experienced a
similar problem themselves.
Group therapy activities
Some therapists like to incorporate group therapy activities into their sessions. The purposes and types of these activities used will depend on the nature of the concerns being explored and are often tailored to suit the needs of the members.
The following activities are popular in group therapy:
Icebreakers are activities that help members of the group get to know each other and to feel more comfortable. In some cases this simply involves going around the circle, introducing yourself and explaining why you are attending group therapy. Some therapists will introduce games and activities to help you feel relaxed and to introduce alternative ways of thinking.
Trust building activities
These types of activities are designed to help you develop mutual respect, empathy and understanding. These can be particularly helpful if you find it hard to form relationships or have difficulty trusting others.
Psychological exercises for insight and self-awareness
Exercises of this kind are designed to help you think in different ways and understand why you, and others, think or behave a certain way.

Individual Counselling
This is when you make an appointment with a counsellor to see them in person, usually at their practice. Face-to-face sessions are one of the more popular therapy formats because they provide an opportunity for you to react to any emotions that arise there and then. Going to a group counselling session can be helpful if you want to discuss your issues with people who are going through similar problems. Alternatively, it can help individual to preserve privacy and confidentiality.
Benefits of Individual Counselling:
1. It helps in understanding individual better
Individual counselling provide an opportunity to counsellor to understand the patient better and make note of important details and through this counsellor deal with patient accordingly.
2. In helps in generating articulation of thoughts, ideas, etc.
The client’s thoughts and behaviours may not be distorted compared with group counselling as several pattern of thoughts and behaviours from other group members in making choices and decision making.

Family Counselling
Family Counselling focused on mainly family dynamics, immediate concerns, and the near future. Family counselling, which brings together the members of a family as a group, is similar to group counselling.