Drug addiction help can be provided through the means of friends and family members. In case you happen to have a drug addiction case in your family, it is your responsibility to get the patient back on track. Addiction to drugs is a bad habit which needs to be dropped through an able councilor. While there are various councilors available in the market, most of them are very expensive .
Drug abuse addictions are a very serious problem and if you wish to permanently cure a patient, you need to pay adequate attention towards the choice of the de-addiction therapy. While there are many traditional therapies which do not work well as they are temporary in nature, there are others which are considered permanent. They are natural therapies which work on the mindset of the patient.
Physical Exercises
It is a therapy of the highest level of potency & accomplishment, perhaps even an instrument of transcendence. Therapy is, least of all a selfish one-off act. Yoga therapy calls upon the physician to heal himself first before unleashing himself upon the world. Yoga practice must either change the system or offer a challenge.Treating sickness through Yoga, sometimes with different ways like, change of diet, certain (asans), Pranayam & all the time prayer, serves more as transformation than information.
Arshmatsyendrasana & matsyendrasana asanas help alleviate indigestion & loss of appetite.
Sarvangasana asana is very beneficial in increasing considerably the strength of the brain & nerves.
Shirshasana sends a rich flow of refreshing blood to the brain, relaxing the mind & body , body metabolism & brain functioning.
Rehabilitation Therapy
In order to provide one-stop solutions to patients, we have developed our association with renowned and trusted rehabilitation centres. We have established long lasting relationship with such centres which are famous for its value-added services & therapies. The objective of our rehabilitation therapy is to provide complete treatment to a person after his/ her de-addiction.
Herbal Medicine
Our herbal medicines are very effective to treat those patients who are addicted for long time and take Alcohol, Gutka, Charas & others in more quantity. As the medicines are tasteless and colorless, these are easy to consume. Herbal medicines given by us work wonder and after its consumption patient does not wish of having alcohol & smoking. Owing to their effectiveness and reasonable price.
Treatments Overview
Rehabilitation Thearpy
In order to provide one-stop solutions to patients, we have developed our association with renowned and trusted rehabilitation centes. We have established long lasting relationship with such centers which are famous for its value-added services & therapies.

Derived from prana(the life breath) & ayama(pause), constitutes the yoga science of breath control. The reciprocal relationship between emotions & breathing is well-established
Counselling Program
With our objective of attaining complete patient satisfaction,we strive hard to make our counselling program convenient. Our proficient counsellors are very optimistic and help the patients with love and care to bring happiness in their lives. We don't charge for these counselling programs of patients.